Saturday, April 12, 2014

Hello Third Trimester & Creepy Strangers

This past week was a major milestone... I am currently 28 weeks & 6 days!  I am very excited to be in the third trimester and beyond the 28 week mark when most premies do okay.

I have still been struggling with uncomfortable hugeness, lots of swelling (especially given I am back on inpatient service working crazy hours mostly on my feet), and terrible carpal tunnel.  My right thumb, index, middle, and half of my ring finger are now numb 24/7- it is a strange feeling and drives me a little crazy.

We had our doc visit and monthly ultrasound yesterday and our little minions are still growing wonderfully.  Baby A was 2 lb 10 oz and heart rate of 134.  Baby B was 2 lb 12 oz and heart rate of 163.  I can't believe I have 5 lb 6 oz of baby in there already- that could be a full term singleton (well almost).  They are both near the 50% for singletons which is amazing.  My doctor was impressed with how I've been doing.  I was a little freaked because I gained 6.5 lb in the past 2 weeks (but I did only gain 0.5 lb in the 2 weeks prior so I guess 7 lb over the month isn't terrible).  She said given the swelling I've been complaining of it's not surprising and my blood pressure was good so she had no concerns.

The hubby and I went to a multiples class this week.  I was hoping they would provide some good tips for breast feeding multiples ect. (advice for when they are actually here).  Instead it was a bunch of basic info about multiple gestation pregnancies and was pretty worthless for us.  There were about 8-10 couples and one woman in particular ruined the class for everyone (I'm pretty sure I am not alone in this opinion).  She knew everything (at least thought she did) and kept trying to correct the maternity ward nurse instructor.  It was painful.

I've been starting to get the "Oh my gosh when are you going to pop?" question.  It's mildly entertaining to watch people's reactions when I respond, "2 1/2 months."  I am tempted to stop telling people it's twins so they are embarrassed by telling me I'm huge... thankyouverymuch. I went out with girl friends last night for the start of a friend's bachelorette weekend.  We went to the Red's baseball game.  As we were going into the stadium the woman (in her 50s-60s) scanning our tickets squealed, "Oh! You must be about to have the baby!"  And before I could move out of the way started touching my belly.  This was my first stranger touching belly encounter and I WAS NOT A FAN.  I don't understand why being pregnant makes people feel they have an open invitation to invade your personal space. 


Do you go around rubbing bellies of non-pregnant people? I highly doubt it... so get your dirty strange hands off of me and my precious babies.