Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Ready for the Real Deal

So yesterday my hubby and I were both convinced was it...

I woke up at 2:30am having infrequent contractions & laid in bed until 3:15 when I realized there was no way that I could sleep and got up to lie on the couch. The contractions got progressively stronger & more frequent until around 5am I had to run to the bathroom to puke.  Made me realize why they starve pregnant ladies who are in labor as there was still food in my belly for me to puke up when I had last eaten around 9pm. 

The puking woke up my hubby. I was trying to let him sleep in case this was the real deal so that at least one of us would be rested. By 6ish my contractions were 5-7 minutes apart. So we started packing up for the hospital & I was making the hubby wash the few dishes in the sink, straighten things up ect. Then I got in the shower around 7:30 & things just started to slow down.  I had an appointment with BPP since I'm over 38 weeks for 10am. We planned to call them & ask if we should come or go to the hospital but by 9 the contractions were only coming 2-3 an hour. I was actually very disappointed. We had gotten so excited to meet them & I thought I'd get to avoid induction. 

Things looked good at my appointment though. They both passed their BPP.  My weight was down 4 lb- being on my feet less at work has meant much less swelling, and my BP was slightly better although still a little high (128/90). And best news of all... I have gone from not even 1cm & thick (which I have been since 32 wks) to 1.5cm & 30% effaced. I know this is a small change but it means things are changing and gives me much more hope that an induction will be successful.

Yesterday was my second false labor... Had less frequent contractions but still for several hours at 35 + 2. After 2 trial runs we are ready for the real deal.

We are down to 3.5 days until induction... Sunday at 5am.

My PUPPP rash is killing me...
Yea... That is my belly today. It has spread & is out of control. The 90 degree blanket of heat outside is making it miserable, sweat + this = unhappiness.  At this point lying down so that my huge belly does not touch my thighs and covering my belly in ice packs is the only thing that provides relief.  This makes it difficult to sleep since I can't really keep an ice pack in place.  Delivery is apparently the cure and it better be because I thought the carpal tunnel was bad but this is much, much worse. 

Anyone else have this and have any ideas?  I have tried Cortisone cream and Benadryl both of which essentially do nothing.

I am learning to repeat the mantra 4 more days, 4 more days as I itch the shit out of my belly.  I think moving up the induction for a rash seems silly (but I do debate it on an hourly basis).  It will all be worth it when they are in our arms. I can do anything for 4 days just to see our girls faces.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Why Hello There...

I have started several posts which haven't been published because I was trying to avoid being a whiny bitch during the most challenging part of my pregnancy (at least to you all... my husband got the brunt of it).  I think I can declare victory at this point.

I don't know what happened at 32/33ish weeks but I hit this wall and wanted these girls out of me so badly.  I just felt horrible all the time... pain in the ribs from their butts/feet, squashed stomach which made it impossible to eat resulting in oscillation between ravenous hunger and overwhelming nausea, and worsened carpal tunnel with permanently numb hands.  I set my goal at surviving to 36 weeks and then planned to do anything in my power to get these chicas out into the world.

Then somewhere between 35-36 weeks things started to look up.  I think they dropped some and now I can breath and sleep slightly better (although now waking up every 1.5-2 hours to pee).  And surprisingly enough, here we are FULL TERM at 37 weeks and 3 days.  I am quite proud of myself even though it probably has more to do with luck... there were days in the past month I didn't think I could do it.  Now I am okay with them hanging out in there... just for a little while longer.  At the same time, I am so excited to meet them and would love for them to get this show on the road on their own to avoid induction. 

My fears/focus has now shifted to trying to get used to the idea of potentially not having the birth experience I desire.  My OB is telling me they will induce by the end of 38 weeks due to the risks outweighing the benefits with twins beyond that point... BUT I am not even 1cm dilated, the babies are still pretty high, and I have had absolutely no complications/risk factors (no gestational diabetes, good BP, GBS neg).  If my cervix does not start to change soon I think the risk of induction failure is relatively high... meaning C-section... which has been a huge fear of mine since they said "twins" at 6 weeks.  I know that I need to accept that I have no control and make peace with that but my type A planner personality means doing so is less than easy.

I have my 37 week appointment tomorrow and I'm guessing we may talk about an induction date.  My hubby has his residency graduation on 6/21 which will be 38 + 6.  I am hoping that either a) my cervix has dilated some or b) they will let us wait to be induced until Sunday, 6/22 or Monday, 6/23 or c) both!  We shall see... The hubby says his graduation is not that important to him but considering it's the culmination of 4 years of undergrad, 4 years of med school, and 4 years of residency finally resulting in a real actual job I think it's kind of a big deal.  I agree with him that babies are a bigger deal but I thought they'd be here by now so we could do both. So I am hopeful we still can.

But mostly... mostly I am thankful... thankful that we have made it to full term, thankful that we have 2 healthy looking big babies (estimated 6lb 4 oz and 6lb 5 oz last week at 36 + 2), thankful that we are able to create this family we wanted for so long.