Sunday, July 27, 2014

Our girls are 4 weeks old!

It's hard not falling off the face of the earth after having twins... so here I am emerging from my couch and bad reality television, smelling of stale breast milk and hoping for 10 minutes to take a shower.

Our girls were born on June 23.  I don't think I'll ever get around to writing a full detailed birth story so I'll provide the basic details now.  Despite our 2 false labors the real deal never came on it's own. So Saturday night we went to my hubby's graduation from Anesthesia residency and then went home to lie awake until 4am when we "awoke" to get ready for our 5am induction.  Basically most of my fears throughout the pregnancy came to fruition.

We got checked in and I got started on Pitocin around 6am.  Things were slow going... I progressed from 1.5cm to 2-2.5cm and they broke my water on baby A to try to get things moving around 10am. After that a had stronger contractions for a few hours and progressed to 3.5cm. At that point I got the epidural since I knew I'd be getting one at some point anyway with twins and the possibility that I may end up with a C-section.  Then over the next 12 hours or so despite high doses of Pitocin (up to 30, higher than the typical max of 20) nothing happened.  It was very frustrating.  My blood pressure was also high throughout- 140s/90s and was taken every 30 minutes which meant I did not sleep AT ALL.  They did not work me up for pre-eclampsia since the babies would be born within 24 hours either way and I had no other symptoms. 

Overnight they tried to drop the Pitocin rate for an hour then restart the gradual increase which was again unsuccessful.  Around 3-4am we started to talk to the nurse about what the plan would be realizing the likelihood I would reach 10cm and be able to push in the next few hours before reaching 24 hours post rupture of membranes was very low.  I was sad that the induction had been unsuccessful but also realize there are limitations of what medications can do.  My only regret/wonder is if I should have pushed harder to wait longer for induction since my pregnancy was uncomplicated.  I was induced at 39+1 which was already pushing their limit for twins (which they typically induce at 38 weeks) but with a completely healthy pregnancy I wonder if induction at that time was really necessary.

My doctor came in around 5 and we discussed going ahead with c-section since i had not progressed any further.  She warned me that my risk for hemorrhage was higher given I had been on a high dose of Pitocin for so long & was not contracting. Since Pitocin is what they give to help the uterus contract & bleeding stop after delivery she was concerned that I wouldn't respond & discussed the risk for hysterectomy.  I know she had to discuss all the possible risks with me & I certainly was higher risk for that potential complication but talking about that right before we went to the OR did not serve my nerves well.  We went back to the OR around 6am. They dosed up my epidural & my pain control during the c-section was excellent. I really didn't feel much at all. 

Elaina Grace was born on Monday, 6/23/14 at 6:23am. She came into the world screaming and has been a firecracker ever since.

Olivia Jane was born at 6:24 also healthy & hollering. She has been our chill baby with the most pathetic/adorable little cry & lower lip quiver. 

Our hospitalization had a few rough spots (a post for another day) but we got to go home on Thursday 6/26 & have been slowly figuring out their personalities & this whole parenting thing.  We are all 4 happy & healthy & doing well but tired... Very tired. Twins are hard and wonderful in ways I did & didn't imagine. I wouldn't change a thing but I am counting my blessings that my husband's been home with me this whole time.  

We are 3 lucky girls that's for sure. 

1 comment:

  1. congratulations on bringing home your little girls! I'm sorry to hear the birth was rough but it's just impossible to predict the future, isn't it? glad to hear you are adjusting well. Such exciting times!!
