Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A lesson in patience... and biting my tongue

My sister-in-law just had her third child a week ago.  I swear she just looks at her husband and says I want another one and poof! she's pregnant or maybe she twinkles her nose like bewitched... that would be fitting.

The whole having 3 kids thing is forgivable. I might be working on my second right now if things had worked out.  What is not forgivable is her blatant ignorance.  The hubby & I went on vacation last January to Phoenix & San Diego  and visited them in the second portion of our trip.  First of all, my sister in law was 2 seconds pregnant at the time- like I wouldn't have even been telling people yet if I were her (6 or 8 weeksish) and literally complained 24/7 about her pregnancy.  Complained and talked about how horny she was- I am an open book but while I'm sleeping in the room next to you...TMI.  At that point we had been trying for about 9 months & it was starting to hit me hard.  One day when I walked out of the bathroom she was sitting there talking to my husband about how she couldn't understand how people had difficulty getting pregnant.  She said "It is so obvious when you are ovulating and you just have sex then."  I had to pick my jaw up off the floor as I thought "OHMYGOD! You just solved all the world's infertility problems! You are such a god damn genius!"

I honestly still do not understand how you can be that naive and oblivious.  Now she didn't know we were trying so that wasn't an intentional slap in the face or anything but come on.  Have you not ever had any friends who had difficulty conceiving?  I am several years younger than her & I have multiple friends who had difficulties or who have had miscarriages.  Even before this first hand experience I was not so daft as to think this was easy for everyone.  Maybe I thought & hoped that it would be for myself but I knew it was not that simple.  

For one, it is not that obvious for every woman when they are ovulating.  I consider myself I decently smart person- 20 years of education + 3 years of medical residency so far and I have no fucking clue when I ovulate.  Basal body temping & OPKs help but even with that it isn't always straightforward.

Second, just because I can count out the days of my cycle & figure out when I am likely ovulating or pee on sticks until I see that pink line does not mean that I have sex then and a baby arrives 9 months later. If only 1+1=2. 

To be fair, my sister in law doesn't have that many good girlfriends.  Probably because she offends people with words like those.  But I don't feel like that's an excuse for a lack of common sense.

Luckily this part of our family lives across the country which works out to seeing them 1-2x/year.  She talks about wanting to move back to Ohio to be closer to my mother/father-in-law and us.  I think if that ever becomes a real possibility then our talk of finally moving out of Ohio might have to become reality too.

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