Monday, September 23, 2013

First the bad... Warning TMI

We just got back from our amazing trip last night. It was fabulous with 1 minor exception.

A few days before we were leaving I felt like I was developing a UTI.  Since we're actively trying to conceive I got a prescription for Macrobid which is the safest antibiotic treatment during pregnancy (category B).  This seemed to be doing the trick & I finished the meds a few days into our trip.

Then 2 days later while hiking in Yosemite I peed and developed the worst pain/feeling of urgency I have ever had.  Seriously it was awful.  We kept going because I knew there wasn't anything I could do about it- we were a 3 hr drive into the park (yes the park is huge).  

We hiked to this beautiful lake, Dog Lake...

...and hung out there with a duck for a bit.  

Then there was a path off the same trail to Lembert Dome.

This is not Lembert Dome but a view from there.

Then somehow- because the trail was poorly marked we followed signs to the dog lake parking lot where we had parked (we thought) only to realize near the bottom of the very steep trail that this was a different parking lot.  At this point I was on the verge of tears.  Of course I had left our map in the car.  I approached an older couple to ask if they had a map we could look at- they were not American (everyone at Yosemite had a much cooler accent & I'm sure had been on many more amazing travels than the hubby & I) and I don't think they undertook that we were lost but thankfully they let us take a peek at their map & figure out where we were & where we needed to go.

So we start walking down this road hoping we are going in the right direction. Luckily, there was a ranger station building with another bathroom right there which literally saved my life.  That is when I realized I was bleeding.  Day 1 was possibly coming soon but this was bright red blood.  I used to get UTIs not infrequently and I have never bled.  I sat in there praying out loud for God to help us make it back to the car because I was in so much pain.  

Thank God my hubby has a much better sense of direction then I do and we eventually made it back to our car and then our hotel.  I had brought an old prescription of Bactrim just in case so I took that and then proceeded to pass a large blood clot mixed with white (I know- TMI) which I think was likely a kidney stone.  Needless to say this sucked bad.  Bactrim is category C and not the best if you could be pregnant but at that point I didn't give a shit.  And today I give a shit even less because today day 1 has reared it's ugly head yet again.  But I am over it.  At least I am telling myself that I am.  I enjoyed myself this two week wait because I was on vacation having a wonderful time, not thinking about it, and not putting my life on hold for what ifs.

I am telling myself it's okay because now the earliest I could have a baby would be the very end of June (if I get pregnant next month- HA!).  Our work year runs July to June so I figure this way if we somehow manage to get pregnant in the next few months I will be able to tell them before next year's schedule is made and avoid fucking up anyone else's schedules.  Yea I know- sweet consolation prize.

Consolation prize #2- when we return to wine country in a few weeks I will be able to drink all the Spaan MoJo (our favorite wine from this week) my heart desires.

Does any one else do this?  Come up with reasons why it would be better next month?

Or I am the only one always trying to fool themselves?

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