Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Surprise! Holy shit!

We had our early ultrasound today.  It was crazy.  I was lying there vag cam in place and the tech just kept scanning back and forth and I'm thinking what are those 2 things? My ovaries?

I look at my hubby.  He grabs my hand and I'm like what is it?  He holds up two fingers.  I say no way.  So he holds up four fingers and I start cracking up.  I'm sure it's always appropriate to laugh during vag caming.

I turn to the tech and I'm like so are you going to tell us what you are seeing.  She initially says she's really not supposed to and then says well why did your OB want you to have this done? I explained that I had been on Clomid and she says well did she mention the possibility of multiples?

Holy shit was all I could think.  The hubby had not been joking! There really were two.  Two babies.  She then explained it all to us.  Baby A and Baby B both measuring at about 6 weeks.  I should be 6 weeks 2 days today.  She zoomed in on them, you could see the little flutter of a heart beat and then she let us hear the heart beats of each.

I am in total shock and sort of overwhelmed today. 

I knew this was a risk but I thought I'd be in the 90-95% not the 5-10%. 

I am excited and happy and nervous and scared.

One second I feel like this...

And the next I feel like this...

saved by the bell jessie spano i'm so excited GIF

I'm just a ball of emotions right now.  I think I need some time for it to sink in.

The hubby though... he is excited.  Sent me a text later in the day today saying he kept thinking about the ultrasound picture, how inspiring it was.

And it truly is.  Two little lives cooking in there. 

What a wonderful, wonderful thing.


  1. Sorry I'm behind in posting, but wow! Hope you're caught your breathe and everyone is still doing well.

    1. I know! It has started to sink in but still overwhelms me every once in a while. It seems like everything is still going well- I don't have another appt until 10 weeks so a couple more weeks to wait. I will feel better after that appointment (at least I like to think so!)
