Saturday, December 21, 2013

12 Week Ultrasound & 2nd Trimester Bound

This week was an excellent week on the pregnancy front.  I have been hesitant to update about my good news because of all the bad news that seems to be going around here the past couple weeks.  It just isn't fair (a lesson I know I should have learned in kindergarten but still irks me to this day). 

On Monday, we had our ultrasound "to confirm dates?" which I was pretty damn confident of but I will never turn down an ultrasound.  My hubby was actually able to get off work which was awesome.  I had felt bad that he would be missing out on seeing them as real babies for the first long look after our sneak preview at my 10 week appt. 

They are still in there growing big and strong.  So much crazier than the two little dots they were 6 weeks ago.  They were measuring 12 weeks 2 days and I was 12 weeks 1 day so basically right on target.  As I've mentioned before I have essentially no experience in my medical life looking at ultrasounds except for head ultrasounds of newborns.  I do have some experience looks at 20-24 week fetal MRIs (often done when there is a concern noted on the 20 week ultrasound).  I made some comments to the tech about their hands and feet because oh my god... they are just so tiny but fully formed 5 fingers/5 toes hands and feet... takes your breath away.  Then I said to hubby that their brains looked good.  Cue the tech looking at me cross-eyed, I explained that I'm a pediatric neurologist and she laughed and said yes everything looks good.

We didn't get to hear their heart beats this time but she zoomed in on the hearts again to measure and Baby A was 159 bpm and Baby B was 162 bpm.

All in all they looked pretty perfect to me.

We are telling both of our families on Christmas day and I am getting so incredibly excited for their reactions.  My belly has really popped this week.  I need maternity pants ASAP.  I also need to find something to wear today to go shopping with my mom and for the remainder of this week with family until the Christmas reveal to hide this blossoming bump.

Tomorrow I will be 13 weeks.  On the eve of the 2nd trimester I am so incredibly thankful for the journey we've had so far and that these two kiddos have decided to stick around (hopefully for the long haul).  It is cheesy but the husband and I really could not have asked for anything more for Christmas this year.  We are so happy and grateful.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the concept of the 'dating scan' at 12 weeks irks me as your earliest is the most accurate, but yay for seeing the babies again! Hands and feet are my favourite things to look at on a scan, I don't know why, but I'm fascinated with them.
