Sunday, December 29, 2013


I am having some brown spotting today.  I have never had this before.

It is really freaking me out.

It's been a small amount so far & no cramping or pain but I am scared. Really scared.  I am 14 weeks today.  And we told the whole world this past week about these two little loves.  I don't know what I'd do if something happened.

I called my doc's urgent line & she told me that if its been a small amt & no cramping or pain to just take it easy today but call back if there is more bleeding or something changes. I have an appt Tuesday and she said if it is just the tiniest amount of spotting to just keep that appointment but if any more than that I need to call her back.

It doesn't seem to be getting more but just persistent & not stopping. I think I am going to go shower & call her again. I don't think I can make it through the rest of the day like this & then 2 more days.  I am really really afraid.  I love these guys so much.  

Please just let nothing be wrong.


  1. Brownish spotting around 14 weeks is fairly common. Is it kind of sludge-like? I see that a bit and it's almost always nothing.

  2. Thank you... I saw your comment as we were waiting at the hospital to be checked out and it definitely helped. The OB on call that day unfortunately did little to reassure me.
