Friday, June 14, 2013

Grumble Grumble

Today at work I saw a young patient (>5 year younger than me) who was pregnant with twins and had a BMI of 72.

BMI = Body Mass Index
18.5-25 = Healthy
>30 = Obese
>35 = Morbidly obese
72 = Apparently healthy enough to get pregnant (with twins!)
These are the times I have to try not to get upset and discouraged.  I shouldn't feel any malice or jealousy toward this patient but it is hard not to think "then why can't I get pregnant." I am healthy (for the most part, BMI 21), my husband is pretty healthy, we have good stable jobs, we are educated, we have supportive families. Why not us?

Despite my poor work out habits I am in decent shape, but my hubby & I both decided we wanted to try to be more healthy so about a month ago we signed up to run a half marathon in January. We figured 7-8 months to train we can do that. 

We are running the Disney Half Marathon. I have never run more than 3 or 4 miles in my life so we'll see how this goes.  My goal isn't really to lose weight but to hopefully get into the best shape of my life.  I lost 4 pounds after our first 2 weeks of running!  My goal is to get killer runner's calves.  I may be slightly obsessed with some well defined gastrocs.

Anyone watch the MTV True Life where the guy gets calf implants?  That would totally be me- breast implants no thanks but I'd love me some huge calves. So I'm going to keep running out this aggravation/frustration hopefully into legs like those.

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