Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My Ute is a Beaut!

My OB/Gyn called me on Monday to confirm that the transvaginal ultrasound was abnormal and recommended a pelvic MRI to further evaluate. I scheduled the MRI for the next week on my day off.  Such a great way to spend the day off!

On the plus side, the imaging center at the hospital my OB/Gyn's office is associated with was super nice.  It had this nice locker room to change in and the MRI techs were super friendly.  I had to get an IV for contrast which I didn't anticipate. I looked like a pin cushion that month between day 3 blood work, day 21 blood work and the IV.  IVs kinda hurt- who knew?  I feel like this whole experience will make me a more empathetic physician. Being a patient, even when you're not really sick, it sucks. The radiology tech was asking me about myself while placing my IV and when I told her I was a medical resident she offered to make me a copy of the MRI images to take home. Score!

MRI itself was pretty uneventful.  Again, it is harder than I imagined to sit still for 45 minutes.  I'm pretty sure I had some myoclonus at the end after trying so hard to stay still for so long. I brought home the disc of my uterus which my husband and I looked at- ha! I look at brain imaging all the time but pelvic imaging was a whole new beast.  I couldn't exactly tell what I was looking at and googled a bunch of normal and abnormal (septate and bicornate) uteri for comparison. 

 My actual uterus
Looked more like the normal ones to the hubby & I but we waited to hear back from my Ob/Gyn.
A different view, labeled for your viewing pleasure
Turns out, My Ute is a Beaut! Normal, A OK, Ripe for baby makin!

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