Monday, October 28, 2013

Still Cooking

Went to my OB today, peed on a stick again, and confirmed that yes there is in fact a sesame seed little one growing in there.  Still pregnant!  It's becoming more real by the day and the hubby and I are letting ourselves enjoy it a little more... talking about names and dreaming about nurseries.

She wants me to return next week when I'm 6 weeks for an early ultrasound- should be able to see the heart beating then, make sure he/she's in the right place, and make sure there's only one little one.  The chance for miscarriage drops from 20% to 5% after that point so I am holding my breath for 1 more week.  But mostly I am just happy and excited and so, so thankful. 

I think going through this process and contemplating all the things it may take to make this dream happen for us and meeting other people in this community through their blogs has really just made me so damn appreciative that this has happened for us.  I know that it is not easy for so many people and it wasn't an easy journey for us up to this point but I count my blessings every second that Clomid was all it took.  I know how lucky that is- so I am just trying to soak everything in.  I lived my days/months much more anxious/stressed struggling with infertility than I have so far in this 1 week of pregnancy (I know I still have a long way to go! but I count that a victory).  It is scary.  I know things could still go wrong.  But I have this sense of peace.  This sense that everything is going to work out. 

I am thinking of all of you that are trying and struggling all the time and hoping for you.

I can't promise that I will never complain during this pregnancy but I can promise that I will never take it for granted.  I will never forget what a blessing we have been given.

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